
Writeup of security — CTFLearn Challenges.

Primary LanguageHTML

CTF Learn Writeup

Made by Computer Engineering Research Club Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia

Dibuat untuk tujuan pembelajaran dan clue.

Usahakan untuk mengerjakan sebisanya sebelum melihat writeup.

Tools Key

  • Web Exploitation
    • cURL
    • Python requests library
    • SQL Injection
    • bruteforce
  • Forensic
    • file
    • strings
    • exiftool
    • binwalk
    • foremost
  • Cryptography
    • Bash scripting
    • Base64
    • ROT13
    • Caesar Cipher
    • Python Programing Basic
    • Hex to decimal, decimal to char, char to decimal, binary to decimal
    • Array and/or lists
    • Loop
  • Miscellaneous
    • Imagination
  • Programming
    • Python Programming
    • Loop
    • If-else