
Old Linux distribution import error "GLIBC_2.23' not found"

cerebis opened this issue · 4 comments

I am on "Red Hat 4.8.5-39" and had the same issue with bzip2, which is gone in the current conda release. However, now pysam has a problem with a different dependency:

ImportError: /lib64/libm.so.6: version GLIBC_2.23' not found`

Originally posted by @mscharmann in #43 (comment)

From #43


I haven't tested this as I do not have a RH4.8 environment set up, but there's a possibility that this problem stems from the removal of Python 3.6 support from qc3C.

The removal was in response to an unresolvable (by me) segmentation fault within pytest when run in a conda py36 environment. I have not been able to track down what change within the dependency tree has introduced this problem.

qc3C, however, seems fine. I just cannot run the tests presently, which interrupts the automated build process.

A possible work around which might work for you.

# 1) create a Python 3.6 environment, without qc3C but everything else you'll need.
conda create -y -n qc3c_py36 -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c cerebis samtools jellyfish "python<3.7"
# 2) activate this environment
conda activate qc3c_py36
# 3) install qc3C from github using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/cerebis/qc3C

Thank you for your prompt reply! I could install qc3C using the method you provided.