
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Doest React

A sample todo app (client and server) written in the React view library.


  1. Node > 14.2.0 (recommended: install via official package installer)
  2. mkcert (installation instructions found here)
  3. This project "cloned" to your computer


Once you have the 2 requirements above met, you will need to run the following commands within the project directory:

# Install the certificate authority
mkcert install

# Generate the secure certificates
mkcert doest.local "*.doest.local" doest.test localhost ::1

# Install the project dependencies
npm run install

# Build the client project
npm run build

Now you'll need to update your hosts (/etc/hosts if on a Mac) file for the domain aliases we will be using:

# hosts file aliases react.doest.local api.doest.local

Now, run the two web servers for the client and server

# Run the two web servers for client and server
npm run start:client
npm run start:server

Now you should be able to visit https://react.doest.local:8443. Enjoy!