This repository has now been archived. No further work will be merged here.

New changes will be available in the new costs-dashboard repository

Domino Cost Dashboard (Uses Dash by Plotly)

This repo describes how to run the Domino Cost Dashboard app.

Table of Contents

Create a New Project

The Domino Cost Dashboard app requires a Project to be launched from.

  1. Go to the Projects page in Domino and click New Project.

    project's dashboard

  2. Select a name and visibility for this project, then click Create.

    create new project

Publish the App

Once a Project has been created to host the dashboard app, follow these steps to publish it:

  1. Download the following three files from this repository:

    • requirements.txt
  2. Go to the Code section by clicking in the side bar of the project. There, upload the three files into the project.

    upload files

  3. Verify that they are uploaded properly:

    files in project

  4. Navigate to the App section in the sidebar of the Project menu. Add a title for the App that you prefer and you can easily identify. The standard environment and the smaller harware tier will be enought to run it.

    project's dashboard

  5. After publishing it, you'll be redirected to the App Status pages.

    project's dashboard

    Wait until the status changes to running.

    project's dashboard

    It will take a moment for the dependencies to install, and the Domino Cost App to start running.

Checking running status (optional)

To verify that the app is properly setup, you can check the app's user output. To access them, follow the next steps:

  1. Click on View Execution Details link.

  2. Click on User Output and you'll see a log showing the setup of the environment. Once the legend * Running on, your app is ready.


Accessing Domino Cost Dashboard App

Once the App's status is Running, you can access the App by clicking View App.

project's dashboard

And then Domino Cost app dashboard will be displayed

project's dashboard