

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HW#6 Weather app

This is our 6th homework.

This is the git URL for the project - https://github.com/cermqm/weatherapp.

This is the website URL for the project - https://cermqm.github.io/weatherapp/

Technologies used: ● Bootstrap (CSS Library) ● Jquery (Javascript Function Shortcut) ● Font Awesome (Icon Library)

It felt harder than the last assignment mainly because I didn't have as much time to work on it.

Functionality requested was to have a city search and store the most recient cities for future use.

At the top of the right of the page is the current forcast, city name and date - then some data points - temp, humidity, wind speed and UV index.

At the bottom of the right side of the page is the 5 day forcast with the date, icon for weather that day and temp and humidity.

Below are the screen shots of the app in action

Screen width of 640 Screen width of 760 Screen width of 960 Screen width of 960 Screen width of 960 Screen width of 960 Screen width of 960

Bootstrap license - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/about/license/#:~:text=It%20permits%20you%20to%3A,parties%20not%20included%20in%20the

Font Awesome license - https://fontawesome.com/license/free

jQuery license - https://jquery.org/license/

Openweathermap license - https://openweathermap.org/faq - scroll down to the license section.