This is a re-implementation of the Perl script
as a Python library. As a bonus, a shell client re-implementing (most
of) the functionality of cern-get-sso-cookie
, is also provided.
This package assumes a working Kerberos and OpenSSL setup, but should be compatible with both python 2.7 and 3.
The module provides only two functions: krb_sign_on
, used for authentication with Kerberos and certificates
respectively. Both take an optional cookiejar (which can be a Requests
, or a MozillaCookieJar
) which is filled during
operations. In any event, a cookie jar is also returned by both
The returned cookie jar can be used directly as an argument to Requests'
import cern_sso
import requests
my_url = ""
cookies = cern_sso.krb_sign_on(my_url)
# Perform request
r1 = requests.get(my_url, cookies=cookies)
It is assumed that the user running the program is already authenticated against Kerberos.
This is what the same procedure would look like using SSL certificates:
import cern_sso
import requests
my_url = ""
cert_file = "/home/albin/myCert.pem"
key_file = "/home/albin/myCert.key"
cookies = cern_sso.cert_sign_on(my_url, cert_file=cert_file,
# Perform request
r1 = requests.get(my_url, cookies=cookies)
Certain limitations apply to the certificate and key files, please see the following section on command-line usage for further information on this.
For an example of how to use an external CookieJar, see
Using Just like cern-get-sso-cookie
, the Python implementation will
authenticate against a desired URL and returna Mozilla cookie-file
suitable for use with Curl or Wget.
For use with Kerberos, make sure you are authenticated either via password or a keytab:
$ kinit me@CERN.CH
<enter password>
Now you can perform the authentication:
$ --url --kerberos
# cookies.txt now contains the relevant session cookies
$ curl -L --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt -H 'Accept: application/json' ""
In the spirit of the UNIX philosophy,
nothing on success. Please try --verbose
or even --debug
if that is
not to your liking!
For authentication against a SSL certificate (and key), you first need to process the certificate files to remove passwords and separate the key and certificate:
$ openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in myCert.p12 -out myCert.pem
$ openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in myCert.p12 -out myCert.tmp.key
$ openssl rsa -in myCert.tmp.key -out myCert.key
It is assumed that your certificate and key files have the same base
name and are located in the same folder, and that the key has the file
ending .key
and the certificate .pem
. In the example above, the base
name myCert
was used.
Finally, you can use the certificates to obtain a SSO cookie:
$ --url --cert myCert
For further notes on usage, see --help