
chatbot for kisk creative lab

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple chatbot which recommends Czech books from 100 Years, 100 Books exhibition.


Get started

Be sure to have Node >= 6 installed.


git clone https://github.com/awfulthings/fakin-chat.git && cd fakin-chat

Install dependencies



yarn start

Prepare books metadata

Books metadata are fetched from Google Books API.

You may need to:

Fetch basic metadata

Call this with your Google Books API key to fetch data.

  • presumes that you have raw.data.json with books
  • outputs data.json
node DataHelper.js fetch <GOOGLE BOOKS API KEY>

Fetch book thumnails and descriptions

Scrape databazeknih.cz and steal book urls.

  • mutates data.json

Get book urls

node DataHelper.js stealUrl

Get book thumnails and descriptions

node DataHelper.js stealCover

Process fetched data for recommendation operations

  • presumes that you have src/data.json with fetched metadata
  • outputs src/recommendation-data.json
node DataHelper.js process


  • Install firebase cli
  • Run yarn build before deploy to generate static app.

Change (select) enviroment

firebase use staging # staging or production

Deploy to selected enviroment

firebase deploy

Deploy to production

firebase deploy -P production