
Lightweight ticket system (secondary school project)

Primary LanguagePHP


Legacy code warning!

Simple service for reporting bugs and sharing requirements between school network/tech administrators and school network users.



Used technics

  • server side rendering with routing and simple MVC framework
  • asynchronous forms processing (very badly implemented)
  • javascript and css minification using Webpack
  • modern javascript with support for older browsers (Babel)
  • modern css with variables, functions etc. (Sass)



  1. First of all You need to install php and javascript dependencies. Run following commands in the project folder:
  • composer install downloads and installs php dependencies
  • npm install installs javascript dependencies
  1. New folders have been added to the project: vendor and node_modules

  2. Configure php application in file app/config/config.php

  3. Import/create database from database.sql

Commands for frontend development

For instant development for frontend (javascript + css) open browser folder and run these commands:

  • npm start automatically processes javascript and scss and watches files for changes
  • npm run webpack one-time process of javascript and scss

Serverside development

For the development of the server parts in www and app folders, please read the docs carefully.

The web application starting file is www/index.php