is and application for processing DICOM volume images into more standard 3D formats for further usage. Currently implemented are:
- TIFF - volume is saved as stack of images into a single file
- MagicaVoxel VOX - the volume should be normalized first, so that voxels represent actual cubes
The loaded volume can also be munipulated with:
- Rotation around axis by 90 degrees
- Upsampling twice
- Downsampling twice
- Resampling along one axis to normalize physical voxel size
Interpolation is done trilinearly
*All of these operations can take some time, especially resampling, even though it's multithreaded and compiled.
- Python 3.9.13
Preferably use a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt --use-pep517
py mri3d
contains some demo datasets
Convert potentially non-standard files to complient ones (../fixed/
find . -type d -exec mkdir -p -- ../fixed/{}
find -type f | xargs -L 1 -d '\n' -P 12 -I '{}' dcmconv --replace-wrong-delim --ignore-parse-errors "{}" "../fixed/{}"
Generate DICOMDIR file for images in DICOM
dcmmkdir --recurse -Pdv --invent DICOM/