
Azure Demo Environment

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Demo Environment

The Azure Demo Environment, aka ADE, is a series of PowerShell Scripts, CLI Script, and ARM Templates that automatically generates an environment of Azure Resources and Services to an Azure Subscription. While not every Azure Service is deployed as a part of ADE, it does showcase many of the common, and more often complex, scenarios withing Azure, and it can be used as an example when designing a solution. The Azure Demo Environment is built to be deployed, deallocated, allocated, removed and re-deployed. The deployment and removal processes take approximate two hours. Instructions are provided below. The Azure Demo Environment is an Open Source Project. Contributions are welcome and encouraged!


To deploy, manage, and remove the Azure Demo Environment, the following prerequisites are required. The prerequisites include and Azure Subscription, software installations as well as additional service setups such as DNS and Certificate Services.

Azure Subscription

  • An Azure Subscription is required to deploy the Azure Demo Environment. ADE supports Pay As You Go, Enterprise, and MSDN Subscriptions. The resources in ADE do incur charges, but many resources can be deallocated to save on cost.

    • For MSDN Subscriptions or other Subscriptions that have more restrictive resource quotas, open a support ticket and request a quota increase for the following resources:

      • Public IP Addresses (10 - 20)

    Note: At this time, the Azure Demo Environment is configured to deploy to East US (Primary Region), East US 2, and West US (Secondary Region). In a future update, other regions will be supported.

Software Installations

  • PowerShell Core

  • Azure CLI

    The Azure CLI is available to install in Windows, macOS and Linux environments.

    • AZ AKS Preview Extension

      To install the AZ AKS Preview Extension, run the following command from a terminal:

      az extension add --name aks-preview

      To update to the latest version of the AZ AKS Preview Extension, run the following command from a terminal:

      az extension update --name aks-preview
    • AZ AKS StartStopPreview feature

      To install the AZ AKS "StartStopPreview" Feature, run the following command from a terminal:

      az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "StartStopPreview"

      After registration has finished, enable the "StartStopPreview" feature functionality by running the following command from a terminal:

      az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
    • az aks kubectl

      To install the AZ AKS Kubectl CLI, run the following command from a terminal:

      az aks install-cli
  • Azure PowerShell Cmdlets

    Azure PowerShell works with PowerShell 6.2.4 and later on all platforms. It is also supported with PowerShell 5.1 on Windows

    To install the Azure PowerShell Cmdlets, run the following from an elevated PowerShell terminal:

    Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

    If the following error occurs, "execution of scripts is disabled on this system", it is necessary to change the execution policy to allow the running of scripts. To modify the PowerShell execution policy, run the following from an elevated PowerShell terminal:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -executionpolicy unrestricted
  • Docker

    A system restart is required after the Docker installation. Prior to the deployment of ADE, ensure that Docker is running.


  • The Azure Demo Environment utilizes Azure DNS for publicly accessible A and CNAME records for access to Azure Resources including Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, App Services. ADE requires that an Azure DNS Zone is created prior to deployment of the demo environment. Note: Prior to configuration of an Azure DNS Zone, it is necessary to have ownership and access to a custom domain.

  • To create and configure an Azure DNS Zone for use with ADE, complete the following steps.

    • Create the Azure DNS Zone Resource Group

      • When creating the Azure DNS Zone Resource Group, it is necessary to follow the naming convention for ADE:


      • In this example ALIAS represents an unique name associated with resources used globally within the Azure Demo Environment and REGION_SHORTCODE is the shortened form of the primary region (e.g. eus for the East US region). For example:


        Note: At this time, it is necessary to utilize eus as the REGION_SHORTCODE, due to the current configuration of ADE. In a future update, other regions will be supported.

      • To create the Azure DNS Zone Resource Group using az, run the following command:

        az group create -n RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -l REGION SHORTCODE

        For example:

        az group create -n rg-dvader-eus-dns -l eus
    • Create the Azure DNS Zone

      • To create the Azure DNS Zone using az, run the following command:

        az network dns zone create -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n DOMAIN_NAME

        For example:

        az network dns zone create -g rg-dvader-eus-dns -n darthvader.com
    • Update Domain Registrar with Azure Name Servers.

      • After the creation of the Azure DNS Zone, it is necessary to update the DNS Name Servers with the Domain Registrar. To retrieve the Azure DNS Zone Name Servers using az, run the following command:

        az network dns zone show -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n DOMAIN_NAME --query nameServers

Certificate Services

  • The Azure Demo Environment utilizes a Wildcard SSL Certificate to secure multiple services including App Services and Application Gateway. There are multiple online services, such as Let's Encrypt, that provide free to low cost SSL Certificates.

  • Prior to deploying ADE, it is necessary to store the PFX Wildcard Certificate in the data folder in the repository, with the name wildcard.pfx.

Using the Azure Demo Environment

Deploying the Azure Demo Environment

The Azure Demo Environment is deployed via a PowerShell Script and a series of ARM Templates and Azure CLI commands. There are two methods of utilizing the script, a pipeline friendly CLI Script, and a CLI Script Wizard. To deploy the Azure Demo Environment, execute the following steps:

  • Login to Azure

    • Open a Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, and navigate to the root of the cloned repository.

    • To login to Azure using az, run the following command:

      az login

      The CLI will open a default browser and redirect to the Azure login page. Enter the appropriate credentials and return to the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session.

    • To retrieve a list of available subscriptions associated with the credentials used in the previous step using az, run the following command:

      az account list --output table
    • To select the subscription to use with ADE using az, run the following command:

      az account set --subscription "Subscription Name"
  • Deploy the Azure Demo Environment Using the CLI Script (Pipeline Friendly)

    • From the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, execute the following (sample) command:

      ./ade.ps1 -deploy \
        -alias 'abcdef' \
        -email 'abcdef@website.com' \
        -rootDomainName "website.com" \
        -resourceUserName 'abcdef' \
        -resourcePassword 'SampleP@ssword123!' \
        -certificatePassword 'SampleP@ssword123!' \
        -localNetworkRange '' \
        -skipConfirmation \
  • Deploy the Azure Demo Environment Using the CLI Script (Wizard)

    • From the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, execute the following command:

      ./ade.ps1 -deploy

Parameters for CLI Script (Pipeline Friendly) and CLI Script (Wizard)

  • Required Parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    -alias string Represents an unique name associated with resources used globally within the Azure Demo Environment
    -rootDomainName string Domain name to be associated with Azure DNS
    -email string Email address to be associated with Azure Alerts
    -resourceUserName string Username associated with protected Azure Resources (e.g. sqladmin)
    -localNetworkRange string CIDR formatted address range of the local network (e.g.
  • Optional Parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    -skipConfirmation string Skips any confirmations with an answer of yes
    -overwriteParameterFiles string Overwrites any generated *.parameters.json files that were created and restores the default values. WARNING: Removes any customizations.

Parameters for the CLI Script (Pipeline Friendly)

  • Additional Required Parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    -resourcePassword string Password associated with all accounts (e.g. sqladmin)
    -certificatePassword string The password used to encrypt the wildcard certificate stored in the data folder in the repository, with the name wildcard.pfx

Parameters for the CLI Script (Wizard)

  • Additional Required Parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    secureResourcePassword string Password associated with all accounts (e.g. sqladmin)
    secureCertificatePassword string The password used to encrypt the wildcard certificate stored in the data folder in the repository, with the name wildcard.pfx

Deallocate or Allocate the Azure Demo Environment

To save money on Resource Costs, an allocate and deallocate function has been built into the environment. These commands will allocate / deallocate the Azure Firewall, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets. Azure Kubernetes Service clusters, and Azure Container Instances.

  • Deallocate the Azure Demo Environment

    • From the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, execute the following command:

      ./ade.ps1 -deallocate
  • Allocate the Azure Demo Environment

    • From the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, execute the following command:

      ./ade.ps1 -allocate

    Note: The commands will prompt for the value of alias used during the initial deployment of ADE. Additionally, the alias parameter can be added to the command at execution.

Remove the Azure Demo Environment

The Azure Demo Environment can be removed using the same script that creates, allocates, and deallocates the environment. The default behavior will will remove all resources, policies, service principals, and settings with the exception of Azure Key Vault, due to soft-delete restrictions.

  • Remove the Azure Demo Environment

    • From the Terminal, Command Prompt, or PowerShell session, execute the following command:

      ./ade.ps1 -remove

    Note: The removal command will prompt for the value of alias, and rootDomainName in an interactive session. Additionally, the following parameters can be added at execution of the removal command:

    Parameter Type Description
    -alias string Represents an unique name associated with resources used globally within the Azure Demo Environment
    -rootDomainName string Domain name to be associated with Azure DNS
    -includeKeyVault string Forces the removal of Azure Key Vault
    -skipConfirmation string Skips any confirmations with an answer of yes


The links below detail each deployment including all services, and dependencies.