Virtual CERSE Meeting

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The primary goal of the Community of Edinburgh Research Software Engineers (CERSE) is to invite active and interested Research Software Engineers (RSEs) to bootstrap and participate in a local community of practice.

Venue, Date, Time

On Zoom at 14:00 Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

Code of Conduct

We expect all attendees at this meeting to abide by the Carpentries Code of Conduct. In summary, we encourage the following behaviour:

  • Use welcoming and inclusive language
  • Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism
  • Focus on what is best for the community
  • Show courtesy and respect towards other community members

Please see the link above for the full Code.

If someone violates the Code of Conduct during the event we ask that you report it to one of the organisers. All reports will be reviewed by the organisers and kept confidential.


This is a provisional timetable.

Time Speaker Title
14:00 Welcome
14:10 Kasia Banas (Usher Institute & College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine) The joys of pair programming
14:25 Lyndsey Ballantyne (RSE Community Manager - SSI) Society of RSE and Hidden REF
14:40 Léo Leplat (RSE - Institute of Genetics and Cancer) QuPath: Open Software for Bioimage Analysis
14:55 Mike Wallis (Support Team Lead - IT Infrastructure) Taking advantage of Eddie: best practice on HPC
15:10 Discussion and networking

If you would like to know about previous CERSE activities go to this page.