
A toy scheme compiler and VM in rust. This is my take on crafting interpreters.

Primary LanguageRust

Braces (the tiny scheme compiler and VM)

Brace for impact


This is beyond the state where it's just dabbling around. However at this point I don't have any intentions to turn it into something for real world usage (I'm not sure I could even if I tried). It will likely remain a play ground where I just try out ideas. I'll just see where it takes me.


Start the REPL and play around with it

make repl 



  • datum (s-expression) parser
  • expression parser
  • basic code generator
  • identify tail calls
  • quasi quote
  • make quasi quoting bullet proof (it might have edge cases at the moment)
  • collect all errors in reader
  • collect all errors in parser
  • bytecode serialization (ahead of time compilation)
  • library support
  • include / include-ci
  • cond-expand
  • prepare code for evolution (next rNrs and extensions)
  • optimization pass
  • CPS conversion


  • add macro expansion phase
  • add procedural macro system (explicit renaming?)


  • fix backtraces
  • improve error reporting for reader
  • improve error reporting for expressions


  • optimise tail calls
  • closures
  • continuations


  • basic types
  • numeric tower
  • ports (basic version)
  • load
  • records
  • srfi parameters


  • generate DWARF debug information


Well there is none :D I probably should build one or maybe not.


  • command support
  • bracket matching
  • completion of bound identifiers


  • figure out how to implement them


There are plenty :D

  • Runtime representation of values isn't at all optimised. It likely uses way too many allocations and holds the types wrong
  • The parser bails after the first error (you'd want to collect all)
  • I'm not sure if the custom ParseResult I use is really needed? (I will have to figure that out)
  • No support for internal defines (we might get away by adding an expansion to letrec*)
  • I'm not sure the location tracking works all the time


  • let/let*/letrec currently expand to the corresponding lambda expressions. Should it not do that and instead I handle those as special cases in the VM. Would that yield benefits other than being easier to trace and potentially better error reporting?


Once I have the language in a place where it's correct, I can look at more optimizations. I'm still learning rust and some things I simply didn't know when I started.

  • make use of COW or even SUPERCOW for values
  • make sure that references are used correctly to minimise cloning