Custom Certhis Embedded Plugin

The Custom Certhis Embedded Plugin allows you to easily integrate Certhis Embedded into your WordPress site using a shortcode. You can display your Certhis NFT collection with various customization options, such as colors, fonts, and filtering options.


  1. Upload the custom-certhis-embedded-plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.

Shortcode Usage

To use the Certhis Embedded shortcode, add the following code to your WordPress pages or posts:


[custom_certhis collection_index="1201" column="3" column_mobile="1" nft_page="popup" filter_minted="on" google_font="Arial" color="#F8592" color_2="#F8592" filter_search="on"]

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I use this plugin with any Certhis collection?

    • Yes, you can use the collection_index attribute to specify the Certhis collection index you want to display.
  2. Can I change the number of columns in the NFT display?

    • Yes, you can use the column and column_mobile attributes to set the number of columns for desktop and mobile views, respectively.
  3. How can I customize the colors and fonts of the NFT display?

    • You can use the color, color_2, and google_font attributes to customize the colors and fonts of the NFT display.



  • Initial release.


GPLv2 or later