
A little project for my school which takes SchoolTool(schooltool.org) excel output and generates html report files which can then be fed in to Prince.

Primary LanguagePython



A little project for my school which takes SchoolTool excel output and generates html report files which can then be fed in to Prince.

#Files of Importance Files particularly of interest:

  • Grade_gui.py – where the code starts, makes the GUI and takes in the input data.
  • Grade_gadget.py – runs the actual report generation
  • This program takes Excel (which is generated by and output from the Student Information System I set up for my school, see SchoolTool.org) and creates html reports. There reports are tagged up in CSS to be fed in to the HTML to PDF converter formally known as Prince to make nice, printable PDFs

#Example I/O More succinctly it takes Excel files like this.

and creates HTML, and then PDF files like this

#Executable If you’d like to try it out, the executable can be downloaded here.

I’ve included a sample export .xls sheet and grade data sheets from SchoolTool so you can see the generation in action. Any grade sensitive information is dummy data I randomly generated and not real student data.

#Usage To get started:

  1. Download the zip file and extract it
  2. Run the Gashora Grade Gadget.exe file
  3. Click on the Browse button.
  4. Navigate to the folder you just extracted and you’ll see a sub folder called Exported_Data_From_SchoolTool. In that folder select the export.xls.
  5. You can generate report sheets (there are three formats and a couple of other options) for Term 2 or Term 3 for the year 2013. I didn’t include data for Term 1.
  6. After clicking Generate and as long as you didn’t put in any incorrect data, the outputted html file can be found in the same folder as the export.xls, in a sub-folder aptly named GENERATED. If there were problems, it should give a helpful message about how to fix them in the space below the generate button.