
Library for doing cool stuff with Minecraft maps using packets

Primary LanguageJava

This project is archived

An updated and maintained successor of this project can be found here.


Library for doing cool stuff with Minecraft maps using packets


This library was not intended to be published this quickly, but I am using it currently in a project of mine, so I might as well make it public on GitHub. The code is lacking documentation, and it is pretty messy in some places. I will try to clean it up over time.

Advantage of using packets as opposed to the Bukkit map api

Bukkit's map api is slow and its MapPalette enum only has a limited range of colors. With packets, you have much more possibilities and not as much server load. You are also modifying real maps when using the Bukkit api which could cause problems with the vanilla gameplay. With packets, you don't have that problem, the changes are only client side and won't affect the 'real' maps.


This project consists of six modules:

  • core
  • nms-base
  • nms-v1_16_3
  • nms-v1_16_4
  • plugin
  • tools

The core module contains stuff like a MapScreen class and caches.
The nms-base module contains common classes that are needed by version-specific implementations.
The nms-v1_16_3 is an implementation for the Minecraft version 1.16.3.
The nms-v1_16_4 is an implementation for the Minecraft version 1.16.4.
The plugin module is a simple implementation of this library.
The tools module contains tools that make the development of packet-maps significantly easier.
The plugin-tools module contains useful utilities for creating plugins with packet-maps.

Note: The plugin module is NOT meant for usage on a production server. It is mainly used by me to test the library's functionalities. You COULD use it, but you should expect bugs and/or unwanted behaviour.

Using the library

Check out the wiki!

packet-maps in action

Playing GIFs

Playing a (very) short video

Basic 3D rendering

Rendering the Minecraft world onto a map

Note: this is a separate plugin using packet-maps as its backbone.

Rendering the Minecraft world onto a map

Rendering the Minecraft world onto a map - Update: texture & shadow showcase