
A Theme for Oh-My-Posh

Primary LanguagePowerShell



This is a cool (as in temperature) theme for Oh-My-Posh powershell theme engine. This theme is based on Paradox theme that is supplied with Oh-My-Posh



Follow the installation instructions from Oh-My-Posh to install Oh-My-Posh

From powershell, Run the script install.ps1. This will copy cool.psm1 into the theme directory specified by $GitPromptSettings.MyThemesLocation

Edit your powershell profile to include

Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-Theme Cool

Restart powershell

Additionally, if you do not want your username in the custom prompt, add the following to your powershell profile

$DefaultUser = '<username>'

Changing <username> to your user name