- NodeJS >= 8.7.0
- A C++ compiler (for bcrypt library), you can follow these requirements for each operating system: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp (omit npm package installation)
- Git
- Open a terminal or cmd prompt, and move to a location where you want to download and install the project, example: cd home/projects
- Clone the project by using the following command: git clone https://github.com/cesar2064/NodeJSTypescriptTest.git
- Move to project root folder: cd NodeJSTypescriptTest
- Install project libraries : npm i
- Syncronize the database: npm run sync-database
- Create a user for accessing the app: npm run create-user -- name:user1 password:password
Execute the following command: npm start, the server runs by default in port 3000, example: http://localhost:3000. See Available apis in Documentation part.
- You can create a route by creating a typescript file in ./src/routes
- You must add the controller decorator to the class and extends AppClass abstract class:
path: '/auth', //the controller main path
middleware: [] //the controller middleware
//AppClass class app object injection
export class Auth extends AppClass {
...more code
- You must add a route path by creating a method with their respective decorator:
path: '/',
middleware: [
'BodyParser.json()', //Middleware is found by using the Middleware class name and evaluating the method part
'AjvMiddleware.loginValidation()' //this method for example returns the middleware function,
'AnotherClassName.method'// this method is the middleware function
methods: ['post']
//req, res and next corresponding to express objects for routes.
async login(req, res, next) {
...more code
- You must add the route to ./dist/index.ts array:
export let routes = [
- this array is parsed to express routes
- You can create a model by creating a typescript file in ./src/models
- You must add the model decorator, extends AppClass and implements ModelInterface to the class:
//recieves sequelize mode options objects
tableName: 'users'
export default class UserModel extends AppClass implements ModelInterface
- You can add sequelize model attributes by adding column decorator
//the object of the property corresponds to sequelize model attribute object options
name = {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false,
unique: true
- Also model has too functions available:
//Do here all sequelize model association
associate(model: any, models: any): void {}
//Do here all sequelize model methods, for example sequelize hooks
execute(model: any): void {}
- All classes are parsed to sequelize models and placed in the app object with their respective name this.app.models.ModelName
- You can create a service by creating a typescript file in ./src/services
- The class is a common typescript class:
//You should extend AppClass
export class CapitalService extends AppClass {
...more code
- All classes are instantiated and place in app object with their respective name this.app.services.ServiceName
- The app object is created in the script ./src/app.ts
- This object is injected to services, middleware and models classes, when you extends the abstract AppClass class
- This has the following keys:
let app: App = {
models: {}, //the app models which parsed to sequelize model instances
services: {},//the app services instances
sequelize: {}, // the sequelize instance
middlewares: {}// the app middlewares Classes, they are instantiated in app routes classes parsing
- POST /auth -> used for authenticate the user, it recieves a json body with two keys
"name": "user1",
This api is validated agains a json schema
- GET /capitals/weather?countries=peru,panama,colombia -> used for retrieving countries capitals, it recieves countries as a query param separated by commas. You must send the token via Authorization Header,
Authorization:JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InVzZXJJZCI6MX0sImlhdCI6MTUwOTE2NDQ3MywiZXhwIjoxNTA5MTc1MjczfQ.1EVwDyWKiJwu9LJbWezEiIBcFr6Ps35e79FisnbtPUE6ceDD4KnBKqeZR7nN8J4U5gOGu2lMzWEvyMshXMNKVw
You can see Examples of the api by using the following postman link : https://www.getpostman.com/collections/c676971654a011dff959
These libraries are used by the project, you don't have to install them manually.
- ajv >= 5.3.0 -> json validation in requests
- bcrypt >= 1.0.3 -> encrypts user passwords
- bluebird >=3.5.1 -> handles asynchronous code
- body-parser >= 1.18.2 -> parses json body in requests
- config >=1.27.0 -> handles configuration files in the project
- express >=4.16.2 -> Lib for handling node js server, requests and responses
- jsonwebtoken >=8.1.0 -> Json web token enconding and unencoding
- lodash >=4.17.4 -> Utilitary javascrit functions like json cloning and deep cloning
- request-promise >= 4.2.2 -> Library for handling and fetching any external http request from server
- sequelize >=4.17.0 -> Javascript ORM, using for handling models and sqlite queries in the project
- sqlite3 >=3.1.13 -> Sqlite library for connecting and querying sqlite (used by sqlite)
- typescript >=2.5.3 -> Handles and transpiles typescript language in the project
- npm run build -> transpiles typescript code, it creates a new folder in the project named ./dist
- npm run sync-database -> syncronizes sqlite database structure.
- npm run create-user -> creates a user in the database and for the application, it recieves two params (name and password), example: npm run create-user -- name:user1 password:password
- npm start -> starts the server
- ./config: In this folder the config files are placed
- ./dist: this folder contais the transpiled typescrit
- ./schemas: contains the json schemas for requests validations
- ./scripts: contains the npm scripts source
- ./src: contains typescript source
- ./src/abstract: contains project abstract classes
- ./src/decorators: Typescript decorators helpers for routes and models
- ./src/interfaces: project interfaces
- ./src/lib: Utilitary libs for using in the project, like parsing class routes to express route functions, models to sequelize classes, etc.
- ./src/middlewares: Classes which handles requests before entering to the route, example: ajv library verifying json bodies, etc. Those clases are parsed to express middleware functions
- ./src/models: Classes which represents sequelize models.
- ./src/routes: Classes which represent express routes.
- ./src/services: Classes which contains data bussiness logic.
- ./app.ts: This file creates the app object which contains the services, models, middleware and sequelize instance object.
- ./server.ts: This script handles and start the express server.