
A simple script we use for our Raspberry Pi to check a Codeship build status and spark some LEDs

Primary LanguageRuby

Rasp CodeShip

This script expects both CODESHIP_TOKEN and CODESHIP_PROJECT environment variables to be set.


$ sudo su
# apt-get update
# apt-get install ruby # you can script this down to a simple ShellScript, but I like the rubies...

Log into your Pi and clone this repo!

Run on Boot

Assuming you're using Raspbian, Occidentalis, or other Debian derived distros:

$ sudo su
# touch /etc/init.d/rasp-codeship
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/rasp-codeship
# update-rc.d rasp-codeship defaults

This is a init script you should put into /etc/init.d/rasp-codeship

ruby /home/pi/rasp-codeship/start.rb > /var/log/rasp-codeship.log