
A backend made in NodeJS using Restify and Sequelize with a MySQL database. This is a class job.

Gitpod Ready-to-Code

This repository is ready-to-code with Gitpod, which will provide a running instance of MySQL in a Ubuntu container and a Visual Studio Code IDE like (based on Eclipse Theia) environment.

How to start the project

npm start

How to test the endpoints

Open the api.http file and you can click on the Send Request for each of the requests written. This is done using REST Client.


Import MySQL dump

mysql < resources/EC021_2020_1_NP1.sql

NOTE: this done by default on opening the Gitpod environment

Open MySQL shell


Show MySQL databases

mysql -e "show databases;"

Show tables from the MySQL database

mysql -e "use ec021_2020_1; show tables;"

Show contents of the table from the MySQL database

mysql -e "use ec021_2020_1; select * from carro;"