Roger is a Go RServe client, allowing the capabilities of R to be used from Go applications.
The communication between Go and R is via TCP. It is thread safe and supports long running R operations synchronously or asynchronously (using channels).
package main
import (
func main() {
rClient, err := roger.NewRClient("", 6311)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to connect")
value, err := rClient.Eval("pi")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println(value) // 3.141592653589793
helloWorld, _ := rClient.Eval("as.character('Hello World')")
fmt.Println(helloWorld) // Hello World
arrChan := rClient.Evaluate("Sys.sleep(5); c(1,1)")
arrResponse := <-arrChan
arr, _ := arrResponse.GetResultObject()
fmt.Println(arr) // [1, 1]
Roger currently supports the following response types from R:
- string and string arrays
- booleans and boolean arrays
- doubles and double arrays
- ints and int arrays
- complex and complex arrays
- lists
- raw byte arrays
With the use of JSON, this capability can be used to transfer any serializable object. For examples see sexp_parsing_test.go.
Roger allows variables to be defined within an R session from Go. Currently the following types are supported for variable assignment:
- string and string arrays
- byte arrays
- doubles and double arrays
- ints and int arrays
For examples see assignment_test.go.
Rserve should be installed and started from R:
More information is available on RServe's website.
If you would like to exploit the current R environment from go, start RServe using the following command:
Install Roger using:
go get
To ensure the library functions correctly, the end to end functionality must be tested. This is achieved using Docker and Docker Compose. To run tests, ensure you have both Docker and Docker Compose installed, then run docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
from within the test directory. This command will build and start a docker container containing multiple RServe servers. These servers will be utilized when running go test
from the project's base directory. To stop the docker container call docker-compose stop
from the test directory.
Issues, pull requests and questions are welcomed. If required, assistance can be found in the project's gitter chat room.
- Fork the repository
- Make changes
- Ensure tests pass
- Raise pull request