Text Noise Filter


    <script src="text-noise-filters.js"></script>


HTML Tags Content Filter

Remove all the contents of the tag from the beginning to the end of this including the tag.

param text : The text that will be modified.
param array : The tags that will be removed
return : Text without tags in array param

    text = htmlTagsContentFilter(text, ["script", "style","noscript"]);
HTML Tags Filter

Remove all html tags including in the text.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text without html tags

    text = htmlTagsFilter(text);
XML HTML Characters Filter

Replace all special characters by their value.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text with characters replaced

    text = xmlHtmlCharactersFilter(text);
Symbols Filter

Remove symbols from the text, for example: +,/,*,{,}.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text without symbols

    text = symbolsFilter(text);
Numbers Filter

Remove numbers from the text, for example: 1,76,098.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text without numbers

    text = numbersFilter(text);
Spaces Filter

Remove additional spaces that are not necessary.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text without unnecessary spaces

    text = numbersFilter(text);
Spaces Filter

Remove words that are not important from the Spanish language.

param text : The text that will be modified.
return : Text without unimportant words

    text = conjuntionsFilter(text);