
Some utilities for Vert.x using the Github API

Primary LanguageJava

Vert.x Github Utilities

A binary version of the tool is available in the dist directory.


Just clone this repository or download the .jar file from dist. You would also need the repositories.json file.

Common characteristics

All the following command generate 2 CSV files:

  • x.csv representing the data per month and per repository
  • x-consolidated.csv representing the cumulated data (all the repositories together)

Retrieving stargazers and generating CSVs

This command collects all stargazers from the listed repositories and does some statistics.

java -jar -cp dist/vertx-github-utilities-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
 --command stargazers \
 --repositories repositories.json \
 --token your_github_token

Retrieving contributors and generating CSVs

This command collects all the contributors for the listed repositories and does some statistics.

java  -jar dist/vertx-github-utilities-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
 --command contributors \
 --token your_github_token \
 --repositories repositories.json

Retrieving issues and generating CSVs

java -jar target/vertx-github-utilities-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    --command issues -r repositories.json  --token YOUR_TOKEN

The repositories file

The repositories.json file list the different repositories to process. Each repository is a Json object:

    "repo" : Name of the repository on github,
    "org": The Github organization, vert-x3 is ommitted,
    "dir" : Ignored in this project (this file is used by some other tools too),
    "url": Ignored in this project (this file is used by some other tools too),
    "branch": Ignored in this project (this file is used by some other tools too),        