
OBD2SOLUTION provides a platform to search for product references related to OBD2. Users can search for specific product references, get detailed information, and even compare prices among different suppliers.


  • Language Selection:

    • Spanish Flag Spanish
    • English Flag English
    • French Flag French
    • German Flag German
  • Search:

    • Search by OBD2 Reference: e.g., PCV1020
    • Search by Family References: e.g., BMC1642 - BMC1643 - BMC1645- BMC1648 - BMC1649 -BMC1650


  • Multi-Language Support
  • Integration with databases for fetching product references
  • Dynamic UI elements such as dropdowns that change based on the selected options
  • Image, Brand, and Price details fetched dynamically based on the search input
  • Currency conversion support
  • Validation for CSS

External Libraries/Tools Used:

  • Bootstrap for responsive web design.
  • jQuery for DOM manipulations and AJAX calls.
  • Popper.js for positioning tooltips and popovers.
  • Other custom scripts and styles.


Remember to always keep your database connection details secure and never expose sensitive data like API keys directly in the source code.