Part Number Search Console Application


This console application is designed for part number management and lookup. Users can interactively input a part number to retrieve related details, view associated EANs, and determine stock status.


  • Interactive Search: Allows users to interactively input a part number and fetch relevant details.
  • List Stocked Part Numbers: By entering the list command, users can view all stocked part numbers.
  • View EANs: The ean command lets users view EANs associated with the part numbers.
  • Quick Exit: Users can terminate the application by entering the exit command.
  • Color-Coded Display: Differentiates between stocked and new part numbers using color.

Getting Started


Ensure the required database context and models are set up and properly configured.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [repository-url]
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd [directory-name]
  3. Compile and execute the application.

How to Use

  1. Run the console application.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions. Enter a part number or one of the predefined commands.
  3. View the displayed results based on your input.


  • Entity Framework: Necessary for database operations (if used).
  • Custom Models: Used for data representation.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.