
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/sorter

Primary LanguageHTML


This project has three different components:

  • Sorter - an application to sort data sets using various algorithms like Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort.
  • UdpTime - a time server on which a Sorter client can connect to get the time for the statistical data
  • ShowStats - a client application that connects to a Sorter application to retrieve the statistical information, to store that information on a file or serve it by HTTP to a web browser that connects to the port where the application is listening.

The project was developed within the course of Advanced Programming at the Computer Engineering degree from School of Technology and Management of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

The applications were written on C code and designed to run on a Linux machine.



Image of the sorter running on the console


Image of the UdpTime server running on the console


Image of the ShowStats running on the console:

Image of the ShowStats running on the console

Image of a browser connected to the ShowStats:

Image of a browser connected to the ShowStats