
Displays SF Muni bus predictions on an LED screen

Primary LanguagePython


The LED sign requires a Perl CPAN library.

sudo apt-get install perl
sudo cpan Device::MiniLED

The app is written in Python and uses PIP.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/cesquivias/led_sign.git
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/cesquivias/munipy.git

You can have munipy run at startup

wget https://github.com/cesquivias/munipy/blob/master/bin/init.d-munipy
chmod 755 init.d-munipy
# update DAEMON_ARGS inside init.d-munipy...
sudo cp init.d-munipy /etc/init.d/munipy
sudo update-rc.d munipy defaults 90

To start the service

sudo /etc/init.d/munipy start


You can run the script directly. An example:

./bin/munipy --show-time --update-interval=30 14759 13893

You can run munipy --help for all options.