
Convert books from syosetu.com to epub format, with or without auto-generated furigana.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Syosetu 2 eBook

https://syosetu.com is a Japanese website where aspiring and hobby authors publish their books for free. Unfortunately, they do not offer e-book downloads, only online reading and PDF downloads, which makes reading the books on an e-reader somewhat obnoxious.

To solve that problem, this program will automatically download and convert novels from syosetu.com into epub format for you.


Ensure that you have the standard Rust toolchain installed. Then from the repository root simply run:

cargo build --release


./syosetu2ebook <main_url>

Where <main_url> is the url of the main page of the book.

For example, to download 転生したらスライムだった件 (http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6316bn), simply run:

./syosetu2ebook http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6316bn

In this case, there are multiple volumes, and an epub file will be generated for each volume. If you want just a specific volume, you can specify that with -v. For example, if you want to download just the third volume:

./syosetu2ebook -v 3 http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6316bn

For books that are just one long stream of a huge number of chapters, you can limit which chapters are downloaded as well. For example, to download just volume 2, chapters 5 through 10:

./syosetu2ebook -v 2 -c 5-10 http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6316bn

You can also optionally have furigana automatically generated (not 100% accurate, but is pretty good) by passing the -f flag:

./syosetu2ebook -f http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6316bn

There are additional features as well. Please see the command line help (./syosetu2ebook --help) for more details.


Syosetu 2 eBook is licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).


Contributions are absolutely welcome! If you want to make larger changes, please first open an issue to discuss it to avoid doing a lot of work that may get rejected.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Syosetu 2 eBook by you will be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.