
It seems like script doesn't deal with paging

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I noticed that Syosetu has paging now. I think that's causing the parsing of the novel's page to not get all the volumes.

URL: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n5677cl
If I try to get a volume greater than 8 than the script crashes.
Additional context:
I printed out the length of volume_list and got 8, but it should be something like 19.

PS {...}\syosetu2ebook> .\syosetu2ebook.py -v 9 https://ncode.syosetu.com/n5677cl
Downloading main page...
length of volume_list: 8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "{...}\syosetu2ebook\syosetu2ebook.py", line 226, in
volume_list = [volume_list[n]]
IndexError: list index out of range

cessen commented

Thanks for the report! I think you're probably right, although I haven't looked into thoroughly yet. In any case, something is definitely wrong and needs to get fixed. I don't have a ton of time, but I'll take a look the chance I get.

Thanks again!

Sorry this took me so long!

I recently did a bunch of work updating syosetu2ebook. Among other things, this bug is fixed now.

(Additionally, it's now written in Rust, doesn't require anything else to be installed except for Kepubify if you want kepub files, and can auto-generate furigana.)

Wow, that's awesome. Thanks!