
The code behind my Maturity Work - Decentralized communication system via Bluetooth Low Energy

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Meshlink GitHub release (latest by date)

⚠️ WARNING: This is still in heavy development, expect bugs and crashes if you try to use this app.

Decentralized and private peer-to-peer messaging

To read more about MeshLink, visit meshlink.cstef.dev.


  • ✨ Easy to use: Just turn on Bluetooth and you're ready to go!
  • 🔒 Private: None of your data is stored anywhere else than on your device.
  • 🔐 Secure: Your data is encrypted end-to-end via RSA-2048 and locally via AES-256.
  • 🔗 Decentralized: No central server, no central authority.
  • 📡 Offline: MeshLink uses Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with other devices.
  • 📖 Open-source: This project is open-source and available on GitHub
  • 📦 Lightweight: The universal APK is only ~15 MB in size. (~5MB for the arm64-v8a version)



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