
Simple fast object-oriented menu maker for Symfony 5

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pdMenu Bundle

Simple fast object-oriented menu maker for Symfony 5

Packagist Github Release license PHP from Packagist


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

composer require appaydin/pd-menu

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

With Symfony 4, the package will be activated automatically. But if something goes wrong, you can install it manually.

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    Pd\MenuBundle\PdMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Create Your First menu

Step 1: Without Service

You can create menus without service. You can load the necessary parameters using $options

// src/Menu/FirstMenu.php

namespace App\Menu;

use Pd\MenuBundle\Builder\ItemInterface;
use Pd\MenuBundle\Builder\Menu;

class FirstMenu extends Menu
     * Override
    public function createMenu(array $options = []): ItemInterface
        // Create Root Item
        $menu = $this
            ->createRoot('settings_menu', true) // Create event is "settings_menu.event"
            ->setChildAttr(['data-parent' => 'admin_account_list']); // Add Parent Menu to Html Tag

        // Create Menu Items
        $menu->addChild('nav_config_general', 1)
            ->setLinkAttr(['class' => 'nav-item'])
                // Contact
                ->addChildParent('nav_config_contact', 5)
                ->setLinkAttr(['class' => 'nav-item'])
                // Email
                ->addChildParent('nav_config_email', 10)
                ->setLinkAttr(['class' => 'nav-item'])
                // Template
                ->setLinkAttr(['class' => 'nav-item'])
                // Account
                ->setLinkAttr(['class' => 'nav-item'])

        return $menu;

Rendering Menu

The creation process is very simple. You can specify additional options.

{{ pd_menu_render('App\\Menu\\FirstMenu', {
    'custom': 'variable or options'
}) }}

You can change the default options.

{{ pd_menu_render('App\\Menu\\FirstMenu', {
    'template': '@PdMenu/Default/menu.html.twig',
    'depth': null,
    'currentClass': 'active',
    'trans_domain': 'admin',
    'iconTemplate' => '<i class="material-icons">itext</i>'
}) }}

You can change the default options globally.


    template: '@PdMenu/Default/menu.html.twig',
    depth: null,
    currentClass: active
    trans_domain: admin,
    iconTemplate: '<i class="fa&text"></i>'

Create Menu Event & Event Listener

Step 1: Create Menu Event

All menus automatic events are generated. Example : "menu_name.event"

Step 2: Create Menu Listener

Now let's create a listener for the event.

// src/Listener/MenuListener.php

namespace App\Listener;

use Pd\MenuBundle\Event\PdMenuEvent;

class MenuListener
    public function onCreate(PdMenuEvent $event)
        // Get Menu Items
        $menu = $event->getMenu();

        // Add New Item
        $menu->addChild('demo_item', 5)
            ->setLabel('Home Page')

Let's create a service for the listener.

        - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: settings_menu.event, method: onCreate }