For ongoing work, see <> This is an open source Java implementation of the TextRank algorithm by Mihalcea, et al. Note that this code only implements key phrase extraction based on keyword co-occurance described in section 3 of the Mihalcea-Tarau paper. This code does not yet implement the sentence extraction described in section 4 of that paper. "Graph-Based Data Science" discussion group on LinkedIn: <> NB: There is a known issue with use of JWNL (Java libraries for WordNet) such that if the graph size exceeds a particular threshold, then low-level Java I/O reads to the WordNet database on disk will cause Java thread to block -- even though JVM tools show no blocked threads. A potential remedy is to dump WordNet, or at least the parts of it used here, into some DBD structure with an in-memory cache. --------- simple test: ant run test with a specific data file FOO.txt ant -Ddata.file=FOO.txt run build the JAR for export to another project: ant jar Alternatively, if you use Gradle, we have also supplied a build.gradle and a Gradle wrapper here: ./gradlew build The wrapper installs ("bootstraps") Gradle the first time you run it. The Gradle build step combines all dependent JARs into one, and so you can just use the resulting JAR: java -cp build/libs/ceteri-textrank.jar com.sharethis.textrank.TextRank res/ res en test/good.txt graph.tsv This tells TextRank.main() to use the log4j settings and the data in res/, use English as the working language, use test/good.txt as input, and serialize the graph to graph.tsv (this is not implemented in main(), but the argument is still required). --------- Sources for third-party JAR files: commons-logging-1.1.1.jar commons-math-1.2.jar log4j-1.2.15.jar porterstemmer.jar opennlp-tools-1.3.0.jar maxent-2.4.0.jar sptoolkit.jar trove-2.0.2.jar jwnl-1.4rc1.jar jdom-1-1.jar