
Yearbook() Developer Social Network

Primary LanguageCSS



We at Team Aviato have created a social network application called Yearbook(), that hopefully will help bootcamp graduates stay in touch after graduation. Users can connect with their classmates via email, links to portfolio sites, github profiles, and Linkedin profiles. Users can speficy what language they are proficient in and whether or not they are seeking employment. They can search youtube for relevant videos about looking for jobs or continuing their development education, and search job listing on Github Jobs.

Technology Used

Frontend - ReactJs, Bulma Backend - PassportJs for user authentication, bcrypt for password encryption, Expressjs, Node Database - MongoDb and Mongoose APIs - Axios for requests, Youtube Search API && GitHub Jobs API.

Running the Application

The full application is hosted on Heroku here.

Future Development and Features

The main goals we have for the future development of this app are as follows

  1. Uploading a user's profile picture, rather than linking with a URL.
  2. The ability to edit one's profile after the user has been created (coming very soon)
  3. Post articles that relevant to a user's job search or continuing education goals
  4. More direct communication between users with a messaging functionality.