XIV ToDo provides useful dashboards, tailored checklists and tools for Final Fantasy XIV; whether you are a new player to the game or more experienced. In its current form, XIV ToDo offers customizable daily and weekly checklists as well as automated completion trackers of duties and questlines, with much more to come!
- Support for adding multiple characters;
- Profile containing publicly accessible Lodestone information;
- List of all duties up-to-date with automatic character completion status;
- List of important questlines with automatic character completion status;
- Comprehensive list of dailies and weeklies with per-character completion and customization;
This project requires Node.js version 10+ as well as a Node package manager such as npm
To install the required dependencies, run the following from the xivtodo
npm install
The following commands then becomes available:
# Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
# Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
# Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
# Runs Vue.js' UI
vue ui
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. Simply open up a new issue, or fork the repository to open up a new pull request against the upstream main branch.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.