
This driver can be used to communicate via I2C between microcontrollers

Primary LanguageC++

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)

This driver can be used to communicate via I2C between microcontrollers


  • Includes
#include <compat/twi.h>                   // must always be included for the definitions of TWI states
  • Events
output (on/off,u8?) I2C; // on/off of I2C with optional variable address

// master:
output u8 I2C_MASTER_SEND;                // master requests to send size of tx_buf number of bytes to slave with the address mentioned in the parameter
output (u8,u8) I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE;        // master requests certain amount of data from slave with address equal to the second parameter.

input none I2C_SLAVE_SEND_ACKED;          // emitted when the master addresses this device with a send request.
output none I2C_SLAVE_SEND;               // emit this output to send data that's in the tx_buf.
input (u8,u8) I2C_SLAVE_RECEIVE;          // await this input to receive data from the master, returns number of bytes and errorcode.

//input to await the completion of transfer
input  (u8,u8) I2C_DONE;                  // this input is emitted once the transfer of data is complete. The values returned are number of bytes and errorcode respectively.

  • Buffers
#define BUF_MAX 20                        // maximum buffer length
var[BUF_MAX*] byte tx_buf;                // transmit buffer
var[BUF_MAX] byte rx_buf;                 // receive buffer


To use I2C communication, a program must always include i2c.ceu:

#include "i2c.ceu"


Céu-Arduino provides declarations to communicate between devices via I2C. The API for the ceu driver for I2C is as follows:

  • Include the driver after cloning this repository in libraries with #include "i2c.ceu".
  • emit the I2C to on to begin the Two Wire Interface. It has a second optional parameter for address which is necessary for a slave and optional for a master.
emit I2C(on,_);
  • Set address of the device by emitting I2C with the desired address as the second parameter.
emit I2C(on,8);
  • To stop using I2C communication you can turn it off by emitting the I2C to off
emit I2C(off,_);


  • Master sending data can be acheived by setting the tx_buf and then emitting I2C_MASTER_SEND to the desired address.
  • The tx_buf contains the data we will send and I2C_MASTER_SEND has a parameter of slave address.
  • We can await the completion of the transfer with the input I2C_DONE.
  • Following is an example of master send.
tx_buf = [1,2,3,4,5];                     // transmit buffer contains values to transfer and is of size 5
emit I2C_MASTER_SEND(4);                  // send the data to the slave with address 4
await I2C_DONE;                           // await for the request to be completed


  • Master receiving data can be acheived by emitting I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE to the desired address and specifying the number of bytes.
  • The output I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE has parameters slave address and the number of bytes requested.
  • We can await the completion of the transfer with the input I2C_DONE.
  • Following is an example of master receive.
emit I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE(4,2);             // request 2 bytes data from the slave with address 4
await I2C_DONE;                           // await for the request to be completed
  • The received data is then stored in the vector rx_buf which can be accessed for the data.
  • refer master_receiver01.ceu for example where the data received is printed in serial monitor.


  • Slave sender requires awaiting I2C_SLAVE_SEND_ACKED which. This await is complete when the master addresses the slave with it's address requesting for data.
  • Slave sending data can be acheived by setting the tx_buf and then emitting I2C_SEND.
  • The tx_buf contains the data we will send.
  • We can await the completion of the transfer with the input I2C_DONE.
  • Following is an example of slave sender.
await I2C_SLAVE_SEND_ACKED;               // await for master to address the slave
tx_buf = [4,5,6,7];                       // transmit buffer contains values to transfer and is of size 4
emit I2C_SLAVE_SEND();                    // send the data to master
await I2C_DONE;                           // await for the request to be completed


  • Slave receiving data can be acheived by awaiting I2C_SLAVE_RECEIVE.
  • Following is an example of slave receive.
  • The received data is then stored in the vector rx_buf which can be accessed for the data.
  • refer slave_receiver01.ceu for example where the data received is printed in serial monitor.

Comparison with the Arduino API

Master Sender

  • The Arduino API

    • The master sends data using the following syntax :
    Wire.beginTransmission(8);            // transmit to device #8
    Wire.write(7);                        // sends one byte with value 7
    Wire.write(5);                        // sends another byte with value 5
    Wire.endTransmission();               // stop transmitting
    • beginTransmission() : This function is used to begin the transmission to the slave of the address given in the parameter.
    • write() : This function is used to add data into the buffer to send to the slave.
    • endTransmission() : This function terminates the writing and starts to transfer the data in the buffer to the slave.
  • The Céu API

    • The master sends data using the following syntax :
    tx_buf = [7,5];                       // transmit buffer contains values to transfer. We are sending 2 bytes
    emit I2C_MASTER_SEND(8);              // send the data to slave with address 8
    await I2C_DONE;                       // await for the request to be completed
    • tx_buf stores the data required to send to the slave.
    • I2C_MASTER_SEND when emitted starts the transfer and sends the data to the slave.
    • I2C_DONE is awoken after the trasmission is over.

Master Receiver

  • The Arduino API

    • The master receives data using the following syntax :
    Wire.requestFrom(8, 6);               // request 6 bytes from slave device #8
    while (Wire.available()) {            // slave may send less than requested
        char c = Wire.read();             // receive a byte as character
        Serial.print(c);                  // print the character
    • requestFrom() : This function requests data from the slave.
    • available() : This function returns the number of bytes available in the buffer to be read.
    • read() : This function reads data received from the buffer.
  • The Céu API

    • The master receives data using the following syntax :
    emit I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE(8,6);         // request 6 bytes from slave device #8
    await I2C_DONE;                       // await completion of transfer
    var u8 i;
    loop i in [1-> $rx_buf as u8] do
        _Serial.println(rx_buf[i-1]);     // print the data received
    • I2C_MASTER_RECEIVE when emitted requests the slave to send data.
    • I2C_DONE is awoken after the trasmission is over.
    • The data received is stored in the rx_buf.

Slave Sender

  • The Arduino API

    • The slave sends data using the following syntax :
    void setup() {
        Wire.begin(8);                    // join i2c bus with address #8
        Wire.onRequest(requestEvent);     // register event
    // function that executes whenever data is requested by master
    // this function is registered as an event, see setup()
    void requestEvent() {
        Wire.write("hello ");             // respond with message of 6 bytes
    • onRequest() : This function sets the function that is passed as the parameter to be the function that executes when Master requests data from it.
    • write() : This function is used to add data into the buffer to send to the slave.
    • requestEvent() : This function is user defined and is set to execute when the master requests data from it. It needs to be set to do so by calling 'onRequest(requestEvent);'.
  • The Céu API

    • The slave sends data using the following syntax :
    await I2C_SLAVE_SEND_ACKED;           // await the master to address the slave with a request for data
    tx_buf = [4,5,6,7];                   // transmit buffer contains values to transfer
    emit I2C_SLAVE_SEND();                // send the data to master
    await I2C_DONE;                       // await for the send to be completed
    • The input I2C_SLAVE_SEND_ACKED is awoken when the master addresses the slave to send data.
    • tx_buf stores the data required to send to the slave.
    • I2C_SLAVE_SEND when emitted sends an ACK and sends the data to the slave.
    • I2C_DONE is awoken after the trasmission is over.

Slave Receiver

  • The Arduino API

    • The Slave receives data using the following syntax :
    void setup() {
        Wire.begin(8);                    // join i2c bus with address #8
        Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent);     // register event
    // function that executes whenever data is received from master
    // this function is registered as an event, see setup()
    void receiveEvent(int howMany) {
        while (Wire.available()) {
            char c = Wire.read();         // receive byte as a character
            Serial.print(c);              // print the character
    • onReceive() : This function sets the function that is passed as the parameter to be the function that executes when Master send data to it.
    • available() : This function returns the number of bytes available in the buffer to be read.
    • read() : This function reads data received from the buffer.
    • receiveEvent() : This function is user defined and is set to execute when the master sends data to it. It needs to be set to do so by calling 'onReceive(receiveEvent);'.
  • The Céu API

    • The slave receives data using the following syntax :
    await I2C_SLAVE_RECEIVE;              // await for the Slave receive to be completed
    var u8 i;
    loop i in [1-> $rx_buf as u8] do
        _Serial.println(rx_buf[i-1]);     // print the data to serial
    • The input I2C_SLAVE_RECEIVE is awoken when slave receives data from the master.
    • The data received is stored in the rx_buf.