Memfault Docusaurus

Netlify Status Gitpod ready-to-code

Docs are auto-deployed when you commit to main (merge a PR!) If the deploy fails, netlify will roll back to the previous version.


Our docs are built using Docusaurus 2, a static website generator.


Install dependencies:

$ yarn

Start a local webserver that will pick up most changes without restarting:

$ yarn start


Code is linted with prettier. To fix up files to match format, run:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write path/to/file.mdx


Add a new page to the docs:

  1. Choose a subdirectory under docs/ and insert your Markdown file. Copy the header from an existing page and give it a unique title and id:.

  2. Place any images needed by the page in the matching subdirectory under static/img/docs/.

  3. Add the new page to sidebars.js.

Add a new post to the changelog:

  1. Create a new post under blog/ using the existing filename conventions. Copy the header from an existing post and give it a nice title.

  2. Place any images needed by the post in static/img/blog/.


Images can be implemented with our ImageFigure component, which is available in every MDX file.

NOTE: for raster images (.jpg, .png, .gif), the asset file paths need to be imported in to your MDX file so that Docusaurus can pre-process the assets.

ImageFigure component usage

For each image you want to use:

  1. Depending on the type of image, either...
    1. If the file is an SVG, place it under the /static/ directory and use the file path relative to that folder as your src value; or
    2. If it is a raster file (JPG, PNG, GIF), import the file (with an absolute "@site/*" -based path, or a file-relative path, e.g. "./my-image.jpeg") and use the imported data as your src value
  2. Write an ImageFigure component in to your MDX file with empty lines before and after it, using that src value and optional alt and title
  3. NOTE: to provide a caption for the image, just add child content to the ImageFigure component
  4. NOTE: if the image happens to be high-density (e.g. Retina) image, or a screenshot taken on such a screen, you can also supply a pixelRatio prop to make sure it will display no larger than its intrinsic or natural size.

The following demonstrates the complete pattern with all props, as well as child content which becomes the content of a figcaption element:

// for a PNG, JPEG or GIF -> import the file as `src` !
import mfltLogo from "@site/assets/memfault-logo-full-dark@2x.png";

  alt="The Memfault logo"
  pixelRatio={2} // this ensures the image displays at natural size
  This is what the <strong>Memfault</strong> logo looks like 👆

// for an SVG -> use a static file path as `src` !
  alt="Schematic of Android BORT Architecture"