AIO Rebuilt with Electron & AngularJS
Included Translator & Photo-Joiner (for background rotator tweak)
(Mazda 2 (DJ), Mazda 3 (BM), Mazda 6 (GJ), Mazda CX-3 (DK), Mazda CX-5 (KE), Mazda MX-5 Roadster (ND) and new 2017 Mazda CX-9 (TC))
All Firmware versions v55, v56, v58, v59 up to 59.00.502 NOTE: v59.00.502 has removed the ability to install tweaks When updating from a previous version install autorun & recovery scripts BEFORE updating to recover access.
Anyone who is unsure should leave it alone, ask someone with experience to help or ask in the forum.
- Video Player v2.7
- Android Auto v1.02
- Remove List Beep
- Skip Confirmation Option
- 6 New Themes
- Custom Theme Support
- User Interface Style Tweaks (UI Style)
- Set Music Song Title Color
- Set Music Artist Color
- Set Other Text Colors
- Text Shadows
- Date2Statusbar v3.3
- Main Menu Tweaks
- Layouts
- 3d Main Menu label
- Small Coins
- Remove Ellipse
- Touchscreen Tweak Compass Fix
- Options For Background Rotator Tweak
- Set how many images to rotate through.
- Set amount of time for each image to show.
- Backup Options
- Statusbar Tweaks
- Set App Name Color
- Set Clock Color
- Set Navigation Notifications Color
- Remove Statusbar Image
- Set Statusbar Opacity (0 - 1: 0 - Transparent / 1 - Black)
- Off Screen Background
- Set a background image for "Turn Display Off and Show Clock" in the Settings Menu.
- Will also display on system shutdown.
- Completely Rebuilt Desktop App GUI.
- Ability to install and uninstall tweaks in the same installation (Be careful this is a Beta feature).
- Tweak files for 'Color Scheme' (105MB) and 'Speedcam Patch' (207MB) are downloadable extras to keep the app size small.
- Choose an image to replace your infotainment background, automatically resized to 480x800px to fit the screen.
- Replace blank album art with any image, automatically resized to 146x146px.
- Image-Joiner for joining multiple images for the 'Background Rotator' tweak. Each Image is resized to 480x800px.
- Also, a choice to upload an image that will not get resized for background rotator.
- Separated the 'Improved List Loop' and 'Shorter Delay Mod' into individual tweaks.
- Choice for 'Enable Wifi' and 'CID to SD' tweaks (enabled by default).
- Choice to use color scheme background or not.
- More information and backups are collected during tweak installation (For planned 'Save Backups to PC' and 'System Analysis' tweaks).
- Copy Files to USB Drive (works for a single plugged in drive or choose 1 out of a list of all available external drives)
- Save/Load tweak options.
- All 40+ tweaks from AIO 1.x with variations.
- Automatic Updates.
- Updated to most current version of Android Auto.
- More to come!
Only use with Firmaware >= v55. DO NOT USE with V30/31/33 OR THE SYSTEM TO STAY AT MAZDA BOOT LOGO!!!!!
My good friend Siutsch copied files from many different tweaks for his infotainment system and thought, it would be helpful if you could choose what tweaks you wanted to install or uninstall. He went on to develop a CMD based program to accomplish this and it worked well but lacked that modern app feel and faced other limitations. As a developer, I felt like I should upgrade AIO into a full fledged desktop app but with the same underlying tweaks that we all know from AIO v1.5.x. It was around that time I came across Electron and I went on to develop MZD-AIO-TI.
This Project has 2 particular aspects, user interface and the custom built installer script: and associated files. @Siutsch and I continue to work together on that aspect to this project to optimize the script for safety, efficiency, and in the future analysis.
- Select Desired Tweaks and Press the "Start Compilation" Button.
- Insert a blank FAT32 USB flash drive to copy files directly to the drive
- Or copy the contents of "copy to usb" (created on your desktop) to the root of a blank USB flash drive.
- unplug any other USB drives from the car except this flash drive.
For installation of speedcam patch (see below), the NAVI SD card must remain in the car, because speedcam.txt file will be copied directly to SD card.
- For installation of speedometer, the NAVI SD card must remain in the car too, without NAVI SD card a special patch will be installed, otherwise the compass is rotated 180 degrees.
- In general, the SD card can remain in the car during the tweak installations.
- Plugin USB drive, turn on car and wait for the "== MZD-AIO-TI ==" window to appear (This may take 2 - 20 minutes so be patient).
- At that point you will be given the option to continue or abort the installation.
- Associated messages with pop up during installation (No further user interaction is needed).
- The system will be restarted automatically.
- Remove the USB drive after restart.
- Tweaks will be applied upon reboot.
- track-order/FLAC support
- no_more_disclaimer
- list_loop
- order_of_audio_source_list
- 56.00.100A/240B/513C -ADR (4A N)
- 56.00.230A/511A/512A/513B -EU
- 55.00.650A/753A/760A / 58.00.250A -NA
- Electron is an amazing shell developed by Github utilizing the awesome power of both the NodeJS and Chromium APIs into a single runtime harnessing web based programming languages into beautifully packaged desktop apps.
- AngularJS New hot Javascript app framework by Google
- Reduce disclaimer time (actually no longer necessary, because it can be completely disabled by "No_More_Disclaimer" tweak)
- Enable the touchscreen while moving
- Turn on WIFI (not necessary with EU versions)
- Change the background image: replace background.png inside config folder with own 800x480 .png
- Remove the safety warning label from the reverse camera (10 different countrys)
- Remove the blank album art frame
- now with additional picture of a radio, if there is no entry in the gracenote database or no album art is found in mp3 tag.
- Based on mod by Trookam (which is based on mod by anderml1955 I think), first version of speedometer by serezhka, mph changes first done by windwalker
- For changelog look at speedometer_changelog.txt
- And look at speedometer_readme.txt
Use H264 video codec and MPEG-4 AAC audio codec
You have to place your videos in a folder "Movies"!
- It uses page up/down button to navigate video list (previous version scroll bar too heavy and slow)
- It uses websocket to handle all functions request so the response is instant (no more using nc command)
- Functions remain Load Video List / Start Stop Playback / Next Track / Repeat 1 (looping the same video)
- Integrated as native app in menu (thanks to Diginix)
- v2.0 Initial Version
- v2.1 Included more video types (previous release)
- v2.2 Enabled the fullscreen Option (not released)
- v2.3 Included the status bar and adjusts to play in a window (not full screen) (not released)
- v2.4 Included a shuffle option
- fixed the problem of pressing the next button rapidly
- The list updates automatically at start
- Option to stop the video when you go backwards (doesn't work well), but it stops the video, so it doesn't stays playing on the video in the background
- v2.5
- It can now logs the steps (have to enable it on the videoplayer-v2.js & files)
- closes the app if is not the current (first attempt)
- fixes the issue of pressing mutiple times the search video button
- fixes the application not showing the controls again when a video play fails
- fixes playing the same video when shuffle is active
- starts using a swap file on start of the app if not running (still have to create the swap with the AIO)
- numeric date
- increase icon size (Wifi, Bluetooth...)
- a little more distance from the right and the top border
- disabled red border of system messages
- smaller font size for all statusbar texts
- Info: a color matching background image will be replaced too and the speedometer graphics also, if you install speedometer.
Original patch by vic_bam85 not working on V 56.00.230A german version, because only folder "HorizontalSensors" used
- (newer version?)
- FLAC support seems to be limited to max 2GB for music files!
- 'USB_A'
- 'USB_B'
- 'AuxIn'
- 'BTAudio'
- 'FMRadio'
- 'DAB'
- 'CD'
- 'SatRadio' (not visible in Germany)
- 'AhaRadio'
- 'Pandora' (not visible in Germany)
- 'Stitcher'
- 'AMRadio'
- 'DVD' (not visible in Germany, only Japan?)
- 'TV' (not visible in Germany, only Japan?)
- Install the CastScreen App on your Android phone (castscreen- 1.0.apk) and enable debug mode on your device
- you will find the app in config folder of your USB drive
- Connect your Android device with USB cable to infotainment system
- Launch CastScreen App, change setting to H264, 800x480@160, 1 Mbps, then input and press input receiver, then tap Start on right- up corner
- Use 'adb reverse' instead of 'adb forward'. (I also reverse ssh port to 2222 after device connect to infotainment system.)
- Fix unexpected close during mirroring
- Support mirroring via both USB and WiFi (You can input the WiFi IP address of your car instead of in the following steps)
Diagnostic menu by 1 sec. clock pressing in display settings, no more pressing music + favourites + power/mute
- This was my first tweak I wrote with pure CSS animation
- Image Joiner is now included in 2.0
- Install Android Auto app on your phone: or here:
- Connect the phone to USB (*) and pair the phone bluetooth with the CMU
- Click on Android Auto under Applications Menu on the CMU
- A black screen with credits should open up first
- Android Auto will then start. If it does not, pull out the USB and start over again (or check the installation.)
NOTE: If you are using USB Audio for sound, You can only connect your phone after car has started and the CMU has booted up. If anything is connected, the source ids change and the headunit app is not yet designed to handle that
- Working again with newer google play services
- When using fav key to switch to radio, track keys allow you to change between presets
- When exiting AA, audio automatically switches back to radio
- Added oppo to the vendor list
- Backup cam is no longer broken
- Media keys work and voice button works
- Press favorite key to toggle between AA audio and radio audio
- Press home key to quickly kill AA
- Some startup issues fixed
- Credits only displayed on first opening of AA
- Blank screen after exiting AA if backup cam was used
- when returning from backup cam, first frame will be static/garbage. A new gui frame needs to originate from the phone before static disappears.
- Phone bluetooth not functioning (disable bluetooth on car/phone)
- Next and previous buttons will generate two keystrokes the first time pressed
- fix phone
- use track keys to switch radio stations when in radio mode
- fix audio level issues (try skipping a song, then pause and press play again)
- Performance improvements via sequential operation and removal of mutex locks - provided by @agartner
- Changed Video sink to mfw_isink - supposed to be faster and also now opera status (volume) bar can be overlayed if required - need some javascript expertise to make it a floating bar.
- Hide the disclaimer/credits after 2- 3 seconds
- Now you can touch drag/swipe
- Added VID for Lenovo
- USB Audio is enabled - to actually use this, you need a separate USB thumb drive in one of the slots, as this is the only way for you to be able to select USB audio in the CMU. Please do not try to use MTP option on your android phone, as it is not going to work.. Also, you need at least one mp3 or any music file in the USB thumb drive (I used mp3- files/point1sec.mp3)
- Since there was a severe case of audio stuttering once for me, I have included an option to disable USB audio and switch back to AUX. You can do this by placing a file called hu_disable_audio_out in the SD CARD (which, of course, means you now need an SD card ). I haven't actually tested this out as USB Audio worked fine at all times except that one instance.
- Nexus fix provided by @agartner
- Debug version of the app - to be run from ssh only - download from here . Copy to /data_persist/dev/bin, chmod 755 and run after executing the following command:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data_persist/dev/androidauto/custlib:/jci/lib:/jci/opera/3rdpartylibs/freetype:/usr/lib/imx-mm/audio-codec:/usr/lib/imx-mm/parser:/data_persist/dev/lib:
- Voice control should not cause app to quit
- More VIDs added, including a possible fix for Nexus phones with VID 0x18D1
- Voice control enabled
- More VIDs added, including a possible fix for Nexus phones with VID 0x18D1
- Graceful kill when reverse gear engaged - App will restart when reverse gear is disengaged. However, reverse camera is still dark (because same V4L device?) as app isn't killed fast enough.
- Performance improvement to the gstreamer pipeline - testing shows no issues with Nav now. However, need some feedback to check if it is the same for everyone.
- Removed auto switch to Bluetooth as it causes problems with the UI. Need to switch manually now.
- Added a bunch of other Vendor id to Android USB Device VID list
- Removed aaserver and switched to websocketd.
- New gstreamer plugin h264parse compiled and added.
- UI now has USB/Gstreamer debug message window
- Night Mode - Simple logic for now - 6AM to 6PM is day .. Night afterwards
- First attempt at making libssl/libusb calls thread safe (Voice control will crash otherwise ocassionally).
- Increased USB send timeouts for better screen refresh.
- Added LG's Vendor id to Android USB Device VID list
- Code sync with Mikereidis/Master
- aaserver - microhttpd server to launch and pass status back to UI - no more messy sh, watch and other hoops.
- UI integration using Herko ter Horst's method.
- Exit AA using on screen menu (last screen with speedo icon)