
Example of how to use tonic with an externally managed TCP socket using listenfd.

Primary LanguageRust



  • curl
  • systemfd => cargo install systemfd

How to test

Don't set the TCP listener to nonblocking mode

  1. Comment out this line in main.rs:
std_listener.set_nonblocking(true).expect("Failed to set non-blocking mode");


// std_listener.set_nonblocking(true).expect("Failed to set non-blocking mode");
  1. Build

cargo build

  1. Run with systemfd

systemfd -s http::5000 -- ./target/debug/tonic-graceful-shutdown

(Replace http port with another value if that port is already used on your system)

  1. Make a request with curl

curl localhost:5000

  1. Attempt to shut down the server with pkill

pkill -SIGINT tonic

Notice that the server does not shut down.

  1. Kill the process

pkill -SIGKILL tonic

Set the TCP listener to nonblocking mode

  1. Uncomment this line in main.rs:
// std_listener.set_nonblocking(true).expect("Failed to set non-blocking mode");


std_listener.set_nonblocking(true).expect("Failed to set non-blocking mode");
  1. Build

cargo build

  1. Run with systemfd

systemfd -s http::5000 -- ./target/debug/tonic-graceful-shutdown

(Replace http port with another value if that port is already used on your system)

  1. Make a request with curl

curl localhost:5000

  1. Attempt to shut down the server with pkill

pkill -SIGINT tonic

Notice that the server shuts down properly.