Weblogic ELK

This repository runs Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash and Filebeat as containers on Docker.


I separated Elasticsearch and Kibana from Logstash and Filebeat to easily tests with different configurations, starting the containers faster.

Run the containers

Execute the commands below to run the containers.

# Create user-defined network to use between all containers
docker network create weblogic-network

# Start Elasticsearch and Kibana containers
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-elastic-kibana.yml up -d --build

# Start Logstash and Filebeat containers
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-logstash-filebeat.yml up -d --build

Check if all it's ok

Access the links below to check if the containers are running.

Logstash - http://localhost:9600/

Elasticsearch - http://localhost:9200/

Kibana - http://localhost:5601/


This repository was based on listed below.