
A hackathon project built for Auburn Hacks 2021. JustMyProject is an application to help entry level engineers gain experience by finding cool projects to collaborate on.

Primary LanguagePython


An application for students and experienced engineers alike to work on interesting projects in their field of expertise to gain experience and work on a team.


A student can go to an excellent university and learn all the skills they need for their industry. Still, they are often placed in a bit of a pickle once they graduate. To get a job they want, companies almost always want experience, but as a fresh graduate, it can feel impossible to get the experience they need. Our website tackles this problem, leveraging the increasingly connected world around us.

What it does

Let's say you are new to React JS and want to start learning. On our website, joinmyproject, you can search for a project at your skill level and become a collaborator. This way, the project creator can get some help, while you get some experience. It's almost like a micro-internship that helps you compete for full fledged jobs and internships.

How we built it

To build JoinMyProject, we built the backend in Python / Django with an SQLite database. The backend Django API serves the database models in JSON format for the React.js front end. The backend is hosted on DigitalOcean in a docker container.

Challenges we ran into

Some challenges we ran into were generating a TLS certificate on the DigitalOcean for the front end. Thus we were only able to get the backend site working fully in a digital ocean pod. The frontend can be run anywhere such as on your desktop.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're proud of using Docker containers for the backend and creating a cool UI in React for the front end.

What we learned

"Prior to this project, I had little to no experience with any form of web development, but with a lot of help from Caleb, I've been able to learn a lot! So much that I started thinking about my own website!" - Chris

"For this project, I helped solidify more of an understanding of containerized applications, databases, as well as developing lean APIs." - Caleb

What's next for JoinMyProject

A verification process, search, chat and user accounts