11x5 pixels of single-colour, message scrolling goodness!
Full install ( recommended ):
We've created a super-easy installation script that will install all pre-requisites and get your Scroll pHAT up and running in a jiffy. To run it fire up Terminal which you'll find in Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal on your Raspberry Pi desktop like so:
In the new terminal window type the following and follow the instructions:
curl -sS https://get.pimoroni.com/scrollphat | bash
If you choose to download examples you'll find them in /home/pi/Pimoroni/scrollphat/
Library install for Python 3:
on Raspbian:
sudo apt-get install python3-scrollphat
other environments:
sudo pip3 install scrollphat
Library install for Python 2:
on Raspbian:
sudo apt-get install python-scrollphat
other environments:
sudo pip2 install scrollphat
In all cases you will have to enable the i2c bus.
##Documentation & Support
- Getting started - https://learn.pimoroni.com/tutorial/sandyj/soldering-phats
- Function reference - http://docs.pimoroni.com/scrollphat/
- GPIO Pinout - https://pinout.xyz/pinout/scroll_phat
- Get help - http://forums.pimoroni.com/c/support
##Docker image
For those who are curious and interested in learning about Docker and the PI, this repository includes a fully tested Dockerfile for using the scrollphat library without needing to install it on the base system.
To build, cd into the docker directory and run:
$ ./build_docker.sh
For complete instructions, see DOCKER.md in the same directory.