
REST-API interface for a chat messenger

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This module implements a REST-API interface for a chat messenger.


Developed and tested on the following setup:

  • macOS 10.15.6
  • Go 1.15
  • Docker 19.03.12
  • MySQL 8.0.19

Configure the database:

  1. Run a container as explained on Docker Hub and name it mysql
  2. Create a database user and password in the container
  3. Import the database template into the container
  4. Define the empty configuration parameters for sections [mysql] and [token]

According to Wikipedia:

In cryptography, a salt is random data that is used as an additional input to a one-way function that hashes data, a password or passphrase.


Once the database is up and running, call the build process:

docker build -t netchat:latest -f Dockerfile .
docker run --name netchat -d -p 1025:1025 --link mysql:db netchat:latest

This yields on the console:

Step 15/17 : RUN /go/netchat/netchat -mode=init gman gman-hostname 1234
 ---> Running in 27527af0d38d
User already available
Login Hash: BHqIOuxoJeY8XPkMBpAuT87DEl8FSQI0fXOhWC5i
Removing intermediate container 27527af0d38d
 ---> cff7247e2c79
Step 16/17 : RUN /go/netchat/netchat -mode=init freeman freeman-hostname 4321
 ---> Running in 59011e1201df
User already available
Login Hash: I5QtqN5niPmNECSrkrRYotl4MQBv5kogR9BQbhWF
Removing intermediate container 59011e1201df
 ---> 7b01266c8451
Step 17/17 : ENTRYPOINT /go/netchat/netchat -mode=terminal
 ---> Running in 1cc5f8b94d07

Following user credentials have been initialized in the database:

User Password Hash+Salt
gman 1234 BHqIOuxoJeY8XPkMBpAuT87DEl8FSQI0fXOhWC5i
freeman 4321 I5QtqN5niPmNECSrkrRYotl4MQBv5kogR9BQbhWF


Following interface handlers are implemented for use:

s.HandleFunc("/login/{user}/{password}", LoginHandler).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/user", UserHandler).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/messages/{start}/{offset}", GetMessagesHandler).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/messages/unread", GetMessagesUnreadHandler).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/message/send", SendMessageHandler).Methods("POST")


{"status":"login successful"}


[{"name":"freeman","date":"2020-05-06 23:07:49","text":"Throw him in the mainstream."},
{"name":"gman","date":"2020-05-06 22:58:56","text":"How do you drown a hipster?"}]

{"name":"freeman","date":"2020-05-08 18:59:10","text":":D"}

The message content needs to be encoded in the POST request body.

Future<BackendResponse> sendMessage(String text) shows how this could be implemented in a messenger.