Assembly Learning Environment for Kids
Teach kids elementary concepts of memory and CPU, including:
- instruction codes
- character codes
- RGB color codes
- memory addresses
- ALU and registers
- call stack
- memory-mapped output
- install Python 3 and PyQt 5
- run "" with Python
- click the menu arrow in the upper-right corner
- click menu "Demo 1: Hi"
- click the "Exec" button until the processor is halted
- the video output now displays "Hi"
- click menu "Reset" to enable execution again
- is organized in 10 pages x 10 rows x 10 cells = 1000 cells
- select page with the Memory tabs
0..4 code or data
5..6 (reserved for shared pages)
7..8 mapped to the video output
9 stack page
- contain a 3-digit decimal number (0..999, no hex/binary needed)
- each cell has an address, also in range 0..999
- double-click a cell to edit it via keyboard
- click on the Code table entries to enter/edit instructions
- drag-select multiple cells for menu "Clear Memory Cells"
- 4 general registers R1..R4
- IP register (Instruction Pointer) has the address of the next instruction
- SP register (Stack Pointer) has the address of last pushed number
- ALU can perform arithmetic operations (+ −) and comparison with numbers
- comparison results "less than (<)", "equal to (=)" , or "greater than (>)"
- data flow is not yet visualized during execution
1ds ADD add to destination d the source s
2ds SUB subtract from destination d the source s
5ds MOV move to destination d the source s
6ds CMP compare numbers from sources d and s
7cs JMP jump if condition c is satisfied to cell s
95d POP pop (from stack) to destination d
96s PUSH push (to stack) the source s
97s CALL push IP and jump to cell s
997 RET pop to IP (return to caller)
999 HLT halt the processor
(See the table in the "Code" tab)
0 ### data immediately after the code (only for source)
1..4 R1..R4 data in register
5..8 (R1)..(R4) data in memory addressed by register
9 (##) data in memory with absolute address
1 <
2 >
4 =
add codes for combinations, e.g. ">=" is 6
5 space
6..9 elementary punctation
10..29 symbols/punctation
30..39 0..9 digits
41..66 A..Z letters
71..96 a..z letters
(See the table in the "Char" tab)