phploader README The YUI PHP Loader Utility is a server-side utility that allows you to load specific YUI components and their dependencies into your page via PHP. YUI PHP Loader can operate as a holistic solution by loading all of your necessary YUI components, or it can be used to add one or more components to a page on which some YUI content already exists. phploader requires a webserver with support for PHP 4.3.0+ or PHP 5+. The code for YUI phploader is provided under a BSD license: Project home page: Source code: Issue tracker: Files: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ README This file CHANGES The change log INSTALL Installation instructions license.txt Open source license details. lib/meta Contains the YUI module dependency metadata (for versions 2 and 3). The latest version is shipped with each release, but you can manually add additional version. phploader/loader.php The main YUI PHP Loader class file phploader/combo.php Local lightweight combo handling service that will allow PHP Loader to combine files without relying on a remote combo-service. phploader/tests Contains a number of tests and example loader scripts examples Contains YUI PHP Loader example documentation and working code samples api_docs Contains the standard YUI API style documentation