
EISCAT Level2 data writer and B2SHARE updater

Primary LanguagePython

=== EISCAT B2SHARE utilities             ===
=== Level 2 data archive uploader        ===

(C) Carl-Fredrik Enell, EISCAT HQ 2018

This package is intended to
1) search the EISCAT L2 hourly directory catalogue in a specified date interval
2) create hourly HDF5 files (which should be copied to a web server e.g. b2.eiscat.se)
3) create B2SHARE metadata entries including experiment info and URLs to above web server  

1. Dependencies
- Python 3.x with standard libraries

- Other Python3 libraries: MySQLdb,  h5py, NumPy, SciPy, cmath, json

2. Check configuration settings
Copy default configuration file to config/eudat.conf and modify.

3. Install
python3 setup.py install

4. Usage example

L2toB2 2014 1 1 2014 1 2