
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Tools to quickly launch and forward Sherlock jobs (such as jupyter) and forward a port to local machine.


params.sh defines all the important job parameters. Take a look and modify as you need. Make sure to change the FORWARD_USERNAME.

SSH config

Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config. This can reduce the number of times you need to authenticate.

Host sherlock
    User put_your_username_here
    Hostname sh-ln01.stanford.edu  # ssh into login node, and copy the node name here 
    GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
    GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPersist yes
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/%l%r@%h:%p


Jupyter notebook

sbatches/sherlock/py3-jupyter.sbatch defines how a jupyter notebook is lauched on a compute node. You might want to change the last few lines to load your own conda environment (I don't have to do it because I activate my conda environment in the ~/.bachrc on sherlock). The _resubmit function is to automatically restart your job if it runs out of time.

Comands to launch and stop jupyter notebook:

# Start notebook
bash start.sh py3-jupyter jupyter_notebook_working_directory

# Stop notebook
bash end.sh py3-jupyter

# Resume connection to notebook (e.g. after network disconnection)
bash resume.sh py3-jupyter

If you want to ssh into the compute node that runs the jupyter notebook

# On login node
ssh `squeue --name=py3-jupyter --user=your_id -o %N -h`


I like to reuse the jupyter notebook compute node for tensorboard. What I do is:

  • ssh into the compute node
  • Start a tmux session
  • Run tensorboard, with the option --port 50002
  • On local computer, go to the forward folder and run bash resume.sh py3-jupyter 50002
  • Access http://localhost:50002