Python version of the amazing Reaction Mechanism Generator (RMG).
- 9
DatabaseError: Unable to determine thermo parameters for <Molecule "C#CC=C[Ni]">: no data for node R* or any of its ancestors
#70 opened by mazeau - 10
- 4
ValueError: No pressure specified to pressure-dependent PDepArrhenius.getRateCoefficient()
#61 opened by kblondal - 6
ck2cti conversion fails on our chemkin file. Suspects unmarked duplicate reaction
#29 opened by rwest - 2
- 0
- 0
- 3
- 3
- 2
Can't scale to N?
#66 opened by mazeau - 2
- 2
- 17
Output labeled adjacency lists for each reaction
#72 opened by rwest - 3
- 0
Database of catalyst surfaces for input
#74 opened by rwest - 14
`make test-database` does not pass
#42 opened by rwest - 0
Test/check bidentate adsorption energy estimates
#67 opened by rwest - 1
- 6
New Eley-Rideal families for RMG-database
#63 opened by mazeau - 6
Naming conventions for adsorbates
#65 opened by rwest - 1
Pruning crashes with surface reactions
#64 opened by kblondal - 4
- 0
How to treat HNO*
#59 opened by kblondal - 10
- 5
- 7
LSR doesn't reproduce Pt(111) thermo
#51 opened by cfgoldsmith - 12
New adsorbate thermochemistry
#27 opened by rwest - 1
Pre-calculated Ea energies to use in LSRs
#50 opened by rwest - 0
mechanism file does not contain reactions unless gas-phase defaults are included
#52 opened by cfgoldsmith - 2
- 2
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sigma' in rmgpy.reaction.Reaction.get_mean_sigma_and_epsilon
#46 opened by mazeau - 0
- 1
- 0
- 4
- 1
Problem with three reactants after recent merge
#44 opened by rwest - 1
- 0
Still some issues with mid-level group definitions
#41 opened by rwest - 1
- 2
possible resonance structures for bidentate
#21 opened by cfgoldsmith - 1
AtomTypeError in new Pt thermo library bidentate OO
#38 opened by rwest - 2
- 0
Flux algorithm might miss important adsorbates
#35 opened by rwest - 2
Vacant site doesn't have zero thermo
#34 opened by mazeau - 2
Pictures not good for bidentate adsorbates
#31 opened by rwest - 2
- 2
Incrementing bonds to surface causes charge.
#26 opened by mazeau - 0
Bidentate adsorbates on one surface site.
#24 opened by rwest - 0
Allow binding energies to be specified in eV
#22 opened by rwest - 5