Library and command line tool not just for qdb.
This project implement a python qdb toolkit as dbnetget at first. With the progress of development, it is separated into multiple sub-projects as os-qdb-protocal, os-m3-engine, this project become a framework for similar works not just for qdb.
The main components are client libraries and command line tool.
Client is used for network processing(connect, close, send, receive, etc.) . It is protocol-independent and transparent to user. By now, there are sync/tornado-async clients, thread-safe client pool and tornado-async client pool are also convenient.
Command line tool's features can be extended by installing extra packages. See Install.
Greatly appreciate Bear Tian and his dbnetget!
install package
pip install os-dbnetget
install extra packages
subpackage install command enables m3 pip install os-dbnetget[m3]
Install m3 for command line tool support m3(multi-thread) engine tornado pip install os-dbnetget[tornado]
Install Tornado for async client and command line tool support tornado engine rotate pip install os-dbnetget[rotate]
Enable write data to rotate file
There are sync/async clients, generally speaking, you should not use them directly. The pool may be your first choice.
- native multi-thread, do not need extra packages
- thread safe
- retry when network error
- support multi connections with one endpoint
from os_qdb_protocal import create_protocal
from os_dbnetget.commands.qdb import qdb_key
from os_dbnetget.clients.sync_client import SyncClientPool
endpoints = ['host%02d:8012' % i for i in range(1, 10)]
pool = SyncClientPool(endpoints)
proto = create_protocal('test', qdb_key(b'test-key'))
result = pool.execute(proto)
- support tornado async
- retry when network error
- support multi connections with one endpoint
from tornado import gen
from tornado.ioLoop import IOLoop
from os_qdb_protocal import create_protocal
from os_dbnetget.commands.qdb import qdb_key
from os_dbnetget.clients.tonado_client import TornadoClientPool
def main():
endpoints = ['host%02d:8012' % i for i in range(1, 10)]
pool = TornadoClientPool(endpoints)
proto = create_protocal('test', qdb_key(b'test-key'))
result = yield pool.execute(proto)
yield pool.close()
command line tool is on progress, the supported sub-commands:
os-dbnetget -h
each sub-command has is own features
os-dbnetget [sub-command] -h
some extra packages can be installed for enhancement, see Install
for example, you can install m3 engine to improve processing capacity
pip install os-dbnetget[m3]
cat data.txt | os-dbnetget test --engine m3 --thread-num 50 -L endpoints.lst
$ tox
MIT licensed.