
Primary LanguagePython

Code Reproduction for LLM:

Content includes:

  • Environment dependencies
  • Data Processing
  • Run the code
    1. LLM Training
    2. LLM Inference
    3. Use two lora models
    4. The batch inference of ChatGLM


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Data Processing:

Our system's query (corresponding to "sentences" in edge_server.py) and label (corresponding to "pre_labels" in edge_server.py) should have the following format:

sentences = [['hello'], ['hi']]
pre_labels = ['yes', None]

When you choose to use the training mode, pre_labels cannot be None.

Run the code:

  1. Before calling our code, you need to download the model parameter file for Chatglm2-6b locally:
    1. git clone https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm2-6b
    2. Manually download from Tsinghua Cloud: https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/d/674208019e314311ab5c/
  2. Replace the modeling_chatglm.py in the downloaded model parameter file with model/modeling_chatglm.py.
  3. You can call our code using the following steps:
    1. LLM Training:
       python edge_server.py --glm_path 'your path of ChatGLM2-6b' --train_path 'your path of Lora_train' --train_tag 1
    2. LLM Inference (using fp16 as an example):
       python edge_server.py --glm_path 'your path of ChatGLM2-6b' --inference_path 'your path of Lora_inference' --inference_tag 1
    3. We support loading one Lora for inference and one Lora for training simultaneously (using fp16 as an example):
       python edge_server.py --glm_path 'your path of ChatGLM2-6b' --train_path 'your path of Lora_train' --train_tag 1 --inference_path 'your path of Lora_inference' --inference_tag 1
    4. The batch inference of ChatGLM (using batchsize is 2 as an example):
       python edge_server.py --glm_path 'your path of ChatGLM2-6b' --bs 2
          you sentences should have the following format:
             sentences = [['hi','nice'], ['hello','good']]

Please note that you need to replace "your path of ChatGLM2-6b", "your path of Lora_train", and "your path of Lora_inference" with the actual paths on your system. In this case, you can set "your path of Lora_train" and "your path of Lora_inference" to empty strings, which will initialize a new Lora model.

Scheduler Data Input

The data input is a list containing multiple dictionaries, with each dictionary representing a task.

For example, each dictionary in the datas list should have the following structure:

    'sentence': 'task1',    # Task description
    'data_length': 1,       # Data length
    'start_time': 0,        # Task start time (must be 0)
    'true_time': 3          # Expected end time of the task


task_process(datas, interval_time, batch_size)

Preprocesses the input dataset.

  • datas: Dataset
  • interval_time: Interval time
  • batch_size: Number of tasks to be sent within a time interval

task_do(tasks_processed, current_time)

Prepares the tasks that should be predicted at the current time.

  • tasks_processed: List of tasks after initial processing
  • current_time: Current time

task_sjf(tasks_processed, current_time, batch_size)

Sorts the tasks using the Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm.

  • tasks_processed: List of tasks after initial processing
  • current_time: Current time
  • batch_size: Number of tasks to be predicted at once

task_edf(tasks_processed, current_time, batch_size)

Sorts the tasks using the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling algorithm.

  • tasks_processed: List of tasks after initial processing
  • current_time: Current time
  • batch_size: Number of tasks to be predicted at once

task_vdf(tasks_processed, current_time, batch_size)

Sorts the tasks VDF scheduling algorithm.

  • tasks_processed: List of tasks after initial processing
  • current_time: Current time
  • batch_size: Number of tasks to be predicted at once

glm_predict(model, tasks_processed, schedule, batch_size)

Uses the model to predict the tasks.

  • model: Model

if you want run this program,for exmple:

  • python schedule.py --task_batch 2 --batch_size_predict 16 --schedule_mode sjf --interval_time 0.1