
Infrastructure ansible playbook to roll out all my servers

Primary LanguageJinja


This repository is a documentation of sorts about my infrastructure and the way it took me to get to some point.

My old infrastructure uses a Hetzner server. There I use Proxmox to separate my services. Most of those were setup by hand and also a long time ago.


  • DNS - required
  • Nextcloud - required
  • Mailserver - required (used Mailcow Solution)
  • Multi Tenant Webserver (partly done )
  • Wireguard Overlay Mesh Network - required
  • Jitsi - optional
  • Matrix - optional
  • Dockerize the redirect and websites


I will use Ansible-Vault files for any secrets and store them in an private repo. If this would be a more enterprise setup I would use something like Hashicorp Vault. I wont provide any further documentation just yet.

Secrets are still held in a separate repository. The repository contains yml files based on the FQDN of an particular host. See the inventory file for reference. The files are also encrypted with ansible-vault, besides being stored in a private repo.


In my old setup I use a Hetzner storage box to store my backups. I use BorgBackup to create a Backup of the configuration and the data. I will not have to make a backup of the configuation because of the use of Ansible. At least that is my goal.

I need to figure out a storage provider or some way of storing the backup data in my own way. Even though Hetzner had some trouble with their storage boxes, I still give it a try. I dont rely on their snapshot storage, but I rather keep extra backups around and I will look into other solutions as well.

My current idea is to use the Wireguard VPN to store the data on a NAS in my local network. This would also provide me with the option to use additional storage locations in the future. This idea is still in my mind but postponed due to the higher energy prices. I dont have a working solar setup to reduce the costs but that is something I will have to setup first


Docker and why I switched to it...

I am in the process of converting my Nextcloud and Webserver playbooks to docker based deployments. Why? Yeah, that is indeed a good question. The apache+suexec+php deployment works okay and it still allows me to provide access to other persons, but I feel that the container based deployment might be easier in the future. I am still new to "how to deploy and work with container setups" which is why this is also a way for me to learn more about the topic.

I decided against roles for now. The deploy-docker-base.yml is the starting point. All other ``deploy-docker-.ymlrequire the steps from that playbook. Keep that in mind. I will convert the differentdeploy-docker-.yml```files into roles but it is easier to have deployable playbooks without the extra layer of complexity right now. Thanks to Christian from goNeuland for creating such excellent instructions about docker and containerized deployments. Go check his website out and maybe donate some money.

My soon to be filled blog is setup as a static website docker container. I utilize Github Workflow to autogenerate a new docker image on every new git push to the gituhb repository. When used in conjunction with Watchtower, which checks and recreate a docker deployment, my site will be updated in regular intervals. Although I am still debating if a simple cronjob might not be better suited...


The SSHd PasswordAuthentication is set to no on each host. This is done with the deploy-base-configuration.yml and ensures a base security. Some of my SSH Keys are deployed during this step as well.

The docker host is monitored by local Crowdsec instance and secured with the firewall bouncer. Additionally, the traefik proxy uses the same list to stop unwanted access on the http/https route. I am sure the firewall bouncer, which I installed later, would be enough but I am still in the process of understanding Crowdsec :) I might add crowdsec to each and every host and let them talk to eachother.


For Matrix I will use the ansible playbook from this Github repo https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy. I will not build my own playbook, but I have to find a way to integrate it into my

Mailcow - Mailserver

The Mailcow installation was done manually because I had to change my email server on short notice. I was not ready to use my playbook. The Mailcow Ansible Role looks promising but I did not want to risk any problems during the migration.

Backup is also configued manually. The backup is done by the mailcow backup program. I keep 30 days worth of backup files on a shared storage drive.


  • Think about how I can configure the ipv6 address to the main network interface of an host. This configuration depends on the provider I use. I might have found a way for my current provider, which should work for others as well but I dont know for sure because I have all eggs in one basket right now.
  • Perform a namend-checkzone after the template process to make sure that the zonefile can be loaded
  • Make FastCGI PHP work. Right now it does not work as I do not have a need for it. The groundwork is done though.
  • Test Mailcow deployment on another host to make sure my thoughts are correct.