
A neovim plugin for dbt

Primary LanguageLua


A neovim plugin for dbt. Still very much work-in-progress. Requires nvim-lua/plenary.nvim, telescope.nvim, nvim-notify and Neovim +5.0.


  • jump to model file from {{ ref() }}
  • jump to model file from definition in yaml schema file
  • select model file to jump to from Telescope fuzzy finder (DBTGoToDefinition)
  • insert model ref from fuzzy finder (DBTInsertModelRef)
  • jump to model properties in .yml file
    • use treesitter to parse model names and line numbers from .yaml file
    • crawl all .yml files looking for model name
  • jump to source definition (in yaml).
    • use treesitter to parse source table names and line numbers from .yaml file
    • crawl all .yml files looking for source table name
    • update DBTGoToDefinition to jump to source .yml if {{ source() }} specified
    • look at https://github.com/cuducos/yaml.nvim
  • view model columns and definitions in floating window
  • view source columns and definitions in floating window
  • run model from model file
  • run tests for model from model file
  • make vim help for plugin

Installation with Packer

return require("packer").startup(
        use {
            requires = {



Jumps to the /models/nested/directories/your_model_name.sql file where {{ ref(your_model_name) }} is defined. Suggested remap in nvim/after/ftplugin/sql:

nnoremap <buffer> gd :DBTGoToDefinition<CR>


Open a the Telescope fuzzy file picker to select model file to jump to.


Select a model name from a fuzzy finder and insert it into a Jinja {{ ref('') }} tag.

Suggested remap in nvim/after/ftplugin/sql:

inoremap <buffer> rrr <C-O>:DBTInsertModelRef<CR>